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semiannual periods中文是什么意思

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  • 半年期


  • For the northern i ndian ocean , the net surface heat flux and entrainment through the bottom of mixed layer have semiannual period , which is the major cause of semiannual variations in sst
  • It is showed that the heat transport crossing the equator has the similar magnitude and the same period of one year , compared with that of 10 n in arabian sea . by contrast , the heat transport across 10 n in bay of bengal has a much smaller value with a prominent semiannual period ; there are tight relationship between integrated zonal wind stress in one latitude of the indian ocean north of 7 n and the total heat transport across that latitude , as well as the total net surface heat flux north of that latitude . the maximum correlation coefficient is less than - 0 . 5
    结果表明越赤道和越10on阿拉伯海的热输送量大小具有可比性,且有相同的年循环特征,而10on孟加拉湾纬度的经向热输送较小,且具有半年变化周期;俨s以北印度洋任一纬度上的纬向风应力异常与此纬度上的经向热输送异常以及此纬度以北印度洋总的海面净热通量异常有很好的相关关系,相关系数最大可达一0 . 5以上。
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